Hive & Thrive Studio

Style guide


A logo is a graphic mark, emblem, or symbol used to aid and promote public identification and recognition. It may be of an abstract or figurative design or include the text of the name it represents as in a wordmark.[ref]


Your brand’s colors can tell more than you can imagine about your business. The psychology of color can help your business establish trust and familiarity by eliciting the right emotions. It’s no surprise that the most popular brands in the world have a strong association with their logos. Their colors tend to reflect their branding, even when they don’t involve any text on them.[ref]



The typefaces you choose can have a huge impact on the way your brand communicates. After all, it's not just what you say: It's how you say it. By choosing fonts that reflect your brand's values—traditional or quirky, fun or formal—you can attract the right kind of customers. [ref]

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